High Interest Rate Notes
Earn attractive interest rates by investing in renewable unsecured subordinated notes issued by Consumer Portfolio Services, Inc.
Consumer Portfolio Services, Inc. is an independent specialty finance company that provides indirect
automobile financing to individuals with past credit problems or limited credit histories.
We fund these contract purchases long term by accessing the securitization markets. We service the loan contracts throughout their lives.
Since our inception in 1991, we have funded and serviced billions of dollars of automobile loan contracts.
Our principal executive offices are in Las Vegas, Nevada. Most of our operational and administrative functions are in Irvine, California.
Our common stock trades on NASDAQ under the symbol CPSS.
Here are some of our key business metrics. The Company section at the top of this page has more details about our financial performance.
You are lending money to CPS when you purchase a renewable unsecured subordinated note. The note represents our obligation to repay your loan with interest.
At maturity, you can either redeem your note, change the term or principal amount, or do nothing. If you do nothing, your note will renew for another term at the then current interest rate.
The notes are not bank CD's. They are not FDIC-insured. They are unsecured and subordinated to all other CPS debts. The notes include a risk of loss as described in the Prospectus and its supplements.
For more information about our renewable unsecured subordinated notes, be sure to request your investment kit today.
You chose your interest payment schedule - monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually, or at maturity. Interest rates are fixed for the note term.
You never pay a commission or fee to purchase, renew or redeem a note. 100% of your investment earns interest.